07 November 2008

Interesting Eastern European Music

I'm doing a huge project on eastern European modern pop-culture. Therefore I have been watching way too many you tube videos.

This band is actually pretty good. (Russia)

This band wishes they were Depeche Mode. (Russia)

I dig the metaphors. (Ukraine)

OK, not pop music, but I am seriously in love with the Bulgarian language after listening to this song. (Bulgaria)

Hungarian protest song. (Hungary)

Interesting side note : apparently Hungary and Russia have huge Rockabilly scenes. I think thats pretty cool.

This is the musical equivalent of an abortion. (Estonia)

Apparently Latvia has shoegazer bands. Needless to say, this song is pretty sweet. (Latvia)

One of my favorite songs. (Poland)

02 November 2008

Hercules and the Captive Women

This could be because I am the most jaded person ever, but I feel completely uninspired by this election and voting in general. I find that its, not pointless, but hopeless. I suppose that I just really dislike 2-party politics.

In this way, I sort of appreciate Putin's politics - the election is a formality - and yet people seem generally pleased.

I enjoy this table : http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=257&year=2006