28 December 2008

This foundation is the bomb.

60 bones, though.

13 December 2008

09 December 2008

08 December 2008

Saddest thing I've seen in a while

07 December 2008

An aside

I'm just loving Brian Eno at the moment.

Also, I don't care how big of a dick David Byrne is, he is absolutely amazing. I miss the Talking Heads.

I'm super excited for the White Lies debut album. I saw them at Lollapalooza - and I'm pretty sure they're like 15, but damn, I really love their moodiness.

I don't know why everyone hates on Supertramp, but man, I love Supertramp.

Dave Mustaine is my favorite metal dude. Period. I don't think any other band is this good at making melodic metal.

People usually think I'm joking when I say that ABBA is one of my most favorite bands. I'm not joking.

Roisin Murphy is by far my most favorite contemporary performer. Finally, someone decided to bring performance back into music.

01 December 2008


07 November 2008

Interesting Eastern European Music

I'm doing a huge project on eastern European modern pop-culture. Therefore I have been watching way too many you tube videos.

This band is actually pretty good. (Russia)

This band wishes they were Depeche Mode. (Russia)

I dig the metaphors. (Ukraine)

OK, not pop music, but I am seriously in love with the Bulgarian language after listening to this song. (Bulgaria)

Hungarian protest song. (Hungary)

Interesting side note : apparently Hungary and Russia have huge Rockabilly scenes. I think thats pretty cool.

This is the musical equivalent of an abortion. (Estonia)

Apparently Latvia has shoegazer bands. Needless to say, this song is pretty sweet. (Latvia)

One of my favorite songs. (Poland)

02 November 2008

Hercules and the Captive Women

This could be because I am the most jaded person ever, but I feel completely uninspired by this election and voting in general. I find that its, not pointless, but hopeless. I suppose that I just really dislike 2-party politics.

In this way, I sort of appreciate Putin's politics - the election is a formality - and yet people seem generally pleased.

I enjoy this table : http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=257&year=2006

10 October 2008

Cooking... I might not be good at it.

In these past couple of month's I've been cooking a lot more. I've also been trying to bring my lunch to school, because ole fatty over here gained the senior 15. So, I've been trying to prepare meals rather than eating out. Let me tell you, its not easy. I don't think I am a very good cook. I try. Lord, do I try. Also, it seems like a spend more money making my own food than I do when I ate out a lot. I thought it was supposed to be the opposite. I can't really find any recipe's that I like for non-microwave lunches (because I am NOT putting my food in a communal school microwave... there are roaches.) So instead I eat tacos for lunch, which aren't good for you.

I don't know. I never thought I was BAD at cooking, I'm just not good at it I guess.

So anyways, I'm pretty much failing at applying to grad school. Please don't make me take the GRE.

08 June 2008

Summer school starts tomorrow. I feel like I just got done with the Spring semester. My fall semester is going to be brutal. 19 credit hours. Seriously.

28 April 2008

25 April 2008

What is most unnerving is that I have a difficult time believing in myself. I find myself in a place where I make unattainable goals, purposefully, so that I may not succeed. 

I'm closing in on the last week of school: 
next week
3 papers 
1 exam 
1 presentation 

2 weeks
3 exams

How am I ever supposed to deal with this? Success is impossible.