10 October 2008

Cooking... I might not be good at it.

In these past couple of month's I've been cooking a lot more. I've also been trying to bring my lunch to school, because ole fatty over here gained the senior 15. So, I've been trying to prepare meals rather than eating out. Let me tell you, its not easy. I don't think I am a very good cook. I try. Lord, do I try. Also, it seems like a spend more money making my own food than I do when I ate out a lot. I thought it was supposed to be the opposite. I can't really find any recipe's that I like for non-microwave lunches (because I am NOT putting my food in a communal school microwave... there are roaches.) So instead I eat tacos for lunch, which aren't good for you.

I don't know. I never thought I was BAD at cooking, I'm just not good at it I guess.

So anyways, I'm pretty much failing at applying to grad school. Please don't make me take the GRE.


pistolheart said...

i don't understand why you have to pay so much MONEY to take the frickin' GRE. i am glad that art school does not require such things.

believe in yourself! and then just finish stuff because you have to prove to yourself that you could.

pistolheart said...

PS look! you have a blog!